Introducing the LASK4 System: The Biometric Prosthetic Sensor Label Acquiring Device (prototype Stage)
The LASK4 system is a groundbreaking device designed to aid individuals who require hand rehabilitation due to surgeries or other circumstances. But what exactly is the LASK4 system and how does it work?
The LASK4 system, also known as the Label Seeking system, is a unique add-on device that measures the force applied by each finger. It has 4 pistons that have springs attached that are connected to a magnet. The system reads the distance from the magnet and a hall effect sensor on the PCB to get the finger movement data which are applied to the feature data from open muscle. The device is currently in its prototype stage and is designed as an add-on to a popular spring finger rehabilitation/strengthener product. However, it has the potential to be adapted for use in other areas beyond hand rehabilitation.
The name \”LASK4\” stands for (LA) Label (SK) Seeking system, and it is designed to apply labels to the feature data collected by Open Muscle for use in machine learning training. Essentially, the LASK4 system is a label seeking device for biometric prosthetic sensors for the forearm and hand.
The LASK4 system has several potential applications beyond hand rehabilitation. It could be used in sports training to track finger strength and improve grip strength for athletes in sports like rock climbing, tennis, or weightlifting. Additionally, the device could be used in gaming to create new experiences that require players to use their fingers in different ways to interact with the game. Musicians could also use the LASK4 system to track finger strength and dexterity as they practice playing their instrument, especially for guitarists, pianists, or other instruments that require finger strength and agility.
One of the most exciting things about the LASK4 system is that it is an open hardware and open source product. This allows for greater adaptability and innovation, as other individuals can build upon the design and create even more innovative products in the future.
In conclusion, the LASK4 system is a revolutionary device with a wide range of potential applications beyond hand rehabilitation. Its label seeking capabilities make it a valuable tool for biometric prosthetic sensors for the forearm and hand. With its open hardware and open source capabilities, the potential for innovation and adaptation is limitless. We look forward to seeing the impact that the LASK4 system will make in the world of rehabilitation and beyond.
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Finger force measurement and training for paralyzed
I have someone who is completely paralysed but not on a respirator. He lives in Bangladesh and broke his neck at C4 about Aug 2021. His wife wrote me a few weeks ago to ask about hand stretching and rehabilitation. A four finger keyboard would help. He can speak but is more fluent in Bangla than English, in case you have some voice things too.
It cannot be expensive or complicated. It cannot waste their time. They are just barely surviving. A wife that has to care 24/7 and a person completely paralyzed. They can use good systems that really help, but if you screw up, that is worse than not helping at all.
They were asking me about finger stretch gloves where pressure bends individual fingers. That is pretty crude and expensive. But not a lot of options. And zero intelligence stored in a glove. If it cannot see and talk to the person being helped, working blind often hurts more than it helps.
What are you wanting the four finger keyboard to do? This system is open source and open hardware so anyone can adjust the code and hardware to meet their specifications.
This system can currently record the finger strength if the user depresses the pistons. The springs are rather difficult to depress even for a strong individual. They can be replaced with weaker springs if that would be of some help.
This system was designed to train neural networks on detecting finger movement from our open source and open hardware bracelet: Open Muscle.
I will email you and see if I can get some people together to see if they can help this individual. I understand that a poorly made system would only hurt in this case so I will have to speak with others to see what is possible after I learn more.