Ultimate Robotics Products

Ultimate Robotics has an awesome suite of open-source prosthetic sensors that are ready for purchase. They also share the same mission as open muscle does so please check out their amazing work today!

Several uMyo devices can send data to one Arduino – and this is an example. Each sensor detects muscle activity level on its hand and it directly drives corresponding motor (so you can make turns by squeezing muscles on one hand while other stays idle). Data are sent wirelessly in nRF24 compatible way – on the robot side there is an Arduino Nano variant with nRF24 unit. Data are receiving via Arduino library which we wrote to make it simpler.


uMyo is an open source/hardware project, more details and project files can be found here: https://hackaday.io/project/186038-umyo-wearable-emg-device-with-wetdry-electrodes

uMyo is available on Tindie: https://hackaday.io/project/186038-umyo-wearable-emg-device-with-wetdry-electrodes

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